The faithful remnant of Israel will be gathered outside the country in Bozrah and the Lord will go up to the land at the head of His people after judging the nations. He will be their King and through Israel will establish His Kingdom over all nations and the whole world.
There are several designations and place names that are associated with the area in Edom around Bozrah. For example, the region where Bozrah is located is called: Teman (Jer.49:7,20; Amos 1:12) and we find even more names that are associated with Edom, such as Dedan (Jer.49:8; Ezek.25:13).
The city of Petra is also located in the area of Edom, which is indicated by some believers as the future hiding place of the faithful remnant of Israel.
rock city
Petra is a city in the area of Edom, in present-day Jordan. The city was founded by the Nabataeans and is completely carved out of the rocks. Later, other peoples also lived there and expanded Petra. The city is surrounded by high rock walls and can only be reached via a narrow gorge, the Siq. Because of these characteristics, Petra has many similarities with a sheepfold. We have already seen that the place where Israel finds refuge is called Bozra, which means sheepfold.
Petra means rock and in Hebrew that is sela (H5553). There are commentators who say that the word selah (סלה H5542), which is very similar, and mainly occurs in the Psalms and is generally said to be a rest sign or intermezzo, is in fact the Hebrew name of the rock city of Petra. These occurrences of selah in the Psalms would then be prophecies that will be fulfilled in the future with regard to Israel in Petra (>Sela).
There are Psalms where this word selah occurs, which speak of a people in distress and about salvation (among others Ps.3:8; 7:5; 32:7; 44:8; 46:7; 61:4; 62:8) and which seem to substantiate this. However, it must be said in all honesty that this word occurs 71 times in the Psalms and in most of them it is therefore not clear how it could relate to the future and the rock city of Petra
He comes from Teman
Notable in this connection is the only other book of the Bible where we find selah, in Habakkuk 3. There it speaks of God who will come from Teman, from the territory of Edom (:3), where the refuge of His strength is. It speaks of how the nations are stirred up (:6) and how there are instruments of judgment in His hand (:5) and of God’s wrath and indignation (:8) which we read about earlier with regard to Edom and Bozrah. In His wrath God judges and threshes the nations (:12, compare Isa.63:1-5).
the man of lawlessness
The defeat of the head of the house of the wicked (:13) will be a reference to the man of lawlessness (2 Thess.2:3), who is taken out of the way by the Lord (2 Thess.2:8). The passage speaks of how He will defeat the nations (:12-14) and that He is the Savior of His people (:13).
Habakkuk 3
3 God comes from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Paran, Selah. His glory covers the heavens, and His praise fills the earth.
4 And His brightness is like the light; He shines from His hand, and there is the refuge of His strength.
13 You go forth for the salvation of Your people, for the salvation of Your anointed. You pierce the head of the house of the wicked, and make him bare from the foundation even to the neck. Selah.
YAHWEH is a Rock
We saw earlier that there is another Hebrew word that is very similar to this selah (סלה H5542 ). That is sela (סלעי H5553) and that is translated as rock. God is called a Rock in whom one can take refuge, a Fortress and Redeemer (Ps.18:2; 31:3-4; 71:3).
Psalm 137 speaks about retribution to Israel’s opponents in the future and the sons of Edom are also mentioned there. About the children of Israel, Psalm 137: 9 literally says: Happy is he who will hold your little ones and scatter them to the Rock.
YAHWEH is a Rock for His people and here it says that in the future He will also bring them to safety to the rock, to Sela. Could this be a reference to the city of Petra?
indications but no proof
The city of Petra has all the characteristics of the reserved place (Zech.14:5; Rev.12:6) as described in Scripture. And also of a sheepfold (>Bozra). But I have not been able to find any hard evidence that this place is really Petra. I have found some indications that point in that direction.
As the reader will notice, I bring these things forward with a certain reserve and pass them on for what they are worth. If you have any additions, I would of course like to hear them.