Matthew 24:28 wherever the dead body is, there the vultures will be gathered

At the return of Christ, the nations will be gathered against Jerusalem and capture and plunder the city. Half of its inhabitants will be taken away and destroyed. The rest, the remnant, will call on the name of YAHWEH in their distress, the Lord will appear and He Himself will fight against those nations (Zech.13:9; 14:2-3).

28 Wherever the dead body is, there the vultures will be gathered.

Literally, it is so that vultures and other carrion eaters are gathered where a battle has taken place. About the later battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16) where Gog and Magog are gathered with many peoples, it says:

Ezekiel 39
17 And you son of man, thus says the Lord GOD: Say to every bird of every wing and to every beast of the field: Assemble yourself and come, gather yourselves from every side to my sacrifice which I am offering for you, a great sacrifice, on the mountains of Israel; and you will eat flesh and drink blood.
18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men…

In Matthew 24:28 the vultures are a symbolic representation of the nations that have gone to war against Jerusalem (Deut.28:49; Hos.8:1; Hab.1:8; Jer.4:13). Just as vultures come to a dead body, so the nations are gathered around Jerusalem.

the corpse
But what does the corpse point to in Matthew 24:28? In Ezekiel 37 we read that Ezekiel is given a vision of a valley filled with dry bones (:1). Later it is explained that this is a representation of Israel (:11). An Israel that has been set aside because of unbelief and has been let go by God. They are now in the grave.

a great multitude
In the vision the bones come together and form bodies. The vision results in a restored Israel, receiving the spirit and living (:9-10). God will raise Israel from the grave, they will live, and He will bring them into the land of Israel (:12-14). God will gather them from all nations and bring them back to the land (:21). A great assembled multitude will return to the land that was once promised to them. What is called an exceedingly great army in Ezekiel 37:10 is called a great multitude in Revelation 7:9.

Israel in Dispersion
But at the beginning of the vision in Ezekiel 37 it is only a valley full of dry bones (:1-2), a picture of Israel in Dispersion. Israel is without a land and is in the grave among the nations. These bones are prophesied to form a body again and to live (:4-6).

no spirit in them
But when this happens and the bones come together, sinews come on, flesh and skin (:7-8), it is explicitly stated: and there was no spirit in them (:8). That speaks of the current Israel. There is a Jewish state again, but it is unbelieving and there is no spirit in it. About this dead body it is then said: “come from the four winds, breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live”.

the current Jewish state
And that means that this Jewish state should be referred to as “the corpse” or “the dead body” and that is how it is described in Matthew 24:28: Wherever the corpse is (>the unbelieving Jewish state), there the vultures (>the nations) will be gathered.

another corpse
It is remarkable that in the Jewish state, at the same time that the nations have gone to war against Jerusalem, there is talk of another “corpse”. At the end of the 1260 days of great tribulation (Rev. 11:3), the two witnesses will have finished their testimony and will be killed by the beast (Rev. 11:7).

Revelation 11
8 And the dead body of them will be in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
9 And they from the peoples, and tribes, and tongues, and nations, look on the dead body of them three and a half days, and will not allow that the dead bodies of them to be put into a grave.

the corpse of them
Twice is literally mentioned here: the dead body of them, a singular. And that is special, because here it concerns two witnesses and you would expect it to say: the dead bodies of them, as we find mention of that again later in verse 9. But apparently the two witnesses are seen as a unity and therefore: the dead body of them.

This gives Matthew 24:28 a double meaning. The nations are gathered around Jerusalem, around an unbelieving Jewish state. And on the temple square at that moment lies the dead body of them, the dead bodies of the two witnesses.