Matthew 23:39 until you say, blessed is He who comes!

When the Lord pronounces judgment on the people of Israel in Matthew 23, He declares that they would not see Him again until the moment of His appearance. Many times in the Hebrew scriptures we find expressed in word and image that God would hide His face from them (Deut.31:17,18; Ezek.11:23).

39 … from this moment on you will see Me no more, until you say: Blessed is “the One to Come” in the name of the Lord!

Psalm 118
Also the words Blessed “the Coming One” in the name of the Lord! are a quote from the Old Testament, from Psalm 118. And also this passage speaks of Israel’s rejection of the Messiah, Israel’s being set aside, and the work that God is doing in the present interim.

Psalm 118
22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

In Acts 4:10-11 Peter declares that the risen Christ is this Cornerstone and that they, the leaders of the Jewish people, are the builders. Israel rejected the Messiah and the Stone that they rejected, God makes the Cornerstone of a new building: the ecclesia.

23 This is done by YAHWEH, and it is wonderful in our eyes.

The Lord would deal wonderfully with this people: a wonder and a marvel (Isa.29:14). He has given them the spirit of deep sleep, closed their eyes, and sealed the Scriptures to them (Isa.29:10-12). The work that the Lord is now doing, in which the rejected Stone has become the Cornerstone of a new building, is wonderful in Israel’s eyes. It’s a miracle, they don’t understand. They don’t know how this is possible.

24 This is the day that YAHUVEH has made; let us shout with joy, and let us rejoice in it.
25 O YAHWEH, please save me! Oh, YAHWEH, grant me prosperity!

this is the day
The day is the day that the rejected Stone has become the Cornerstone of the new building, the ecclesia, but of course also the day in the future that Israel will come to recognize its Messiah. Then they will say, O LORD, please save me! Oh, YAHWEH, grant me prosperity!

The Jewish people will be in a dire situation at the end of the great tribulation when they speak these words. They will call on the name of YAHWEH and pray to Him for salvation. More about that later, because this is part of Jesus’ speech in Matthew 24.

26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of YAHWEH…

the Coming
When the people in their utmost need call on the name of YAHWEH, Christ Jesus, as the image of God, will descend from heaven and stand His feet on the Mount of Olives.
The Coming One is an indication of the Messiah. Paul also uses this term when he points out that Adam is a type of the One to come (Rom.5:14). The expected Messiah, the coming King, will be present and will establish His Kingdom over this earth.

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