the glory of the Lord

In the Old Testament, God, who is invisible (1 Tim. 1:17), appeared in various ways. For example, we find it described many times that God spoke and appeared through an angel of the Lord, literally: a messenger of YAHWEH (Gen.22:11; Ex.3:2).

the glory of YAHWEH
Another important manifestation of God, we see when God appears in a cloud, this appearance is called the glory of YAHWEH (the glory of the Lord). For example in the tabernacle (Ex.40:34) and later in the temple (1 Kings 8:11). The term appears dozens of times throughout the Hebrew scriptures, including in the Psalms (104:31) and the prophets (Isa.40:5).

Of course, these are also literal examples of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is to say: they are images that spoke in advance of Him who was to come and is the fulfillment of these foreshadowings. It speaks of Him in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead (Col.2:9). He is the final and perfect image of the invisible God (Col.1:15).

Israel set aside
In Ezekiel 11, Ezekiel is to prophesy to Israel that they would be expelled from their land (11:7,9) and scattered among the nations (11:16). Later in the chapter, Israel is demonstratively depicted as being set aside by God.

Ezekiel 11
23 And the glory of YAHWH goes up from the midst of the city, and it is above the mountain that is on the east side of the city.

a hidden kingdom
The glory of YAHWEH disappears from the midst of the city of Jerusalem (11:15) and settles outside Jerusalem above the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives (a high place) is a representation of the (hidden) Kingdom, which is not located in Jerusalem, but outside it. The Kingdom of the Son of His love (Col.1:13) is not in Jerusalem, but Christ is among the nations (Col.1:27).

The Mount of Olives is therefore the mountain from which the Lord ascended to heaven (Acts 1:9,12) and the same place where He will return to reveal His Kingdom (Zech.14:4). In the meantime, Israel stands by and is hidden in heaven. This is depicted in Ezekiel 11:23

But the future restoration of Israel is also foretold in Ezekiel 11. They would be gathered again from the nations to which God had scattered them and dwell in the land of Israel and become God’s people again (11:17-20).

Ezekiel 11
24 And the spirit lifted me up, and brought me to Chaldea, to the exiles, in an appearing, by the spirit of God. And the appearance which I had seen arises from me,
25 And I speak to the exiles all the words of the LORD, which He shows me.

Ezekiel is a type of Christ and in the future when this interim is over, He will gather His people from all nations and bring them into the land. His cry will go out to the exiles and He will gather His people again!

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