This parable of the wise and foolish virgins is an encouragement to endure to the end. The arrival of the bridegroom is delayed (compare 24:48) and when all ten become drowsy, they slumber. Then suddenly the call goes out that the bridegroom is coming and they are awakened to go and meet him. Then it becomes clear why the wise virgins are wise and the foolish virgins are not. The wise ones thought ahead and made sure they had extra oil for their lamps. The foolish virgins do not have that, they did not really count on the coming of the Lord and now ask for oil from the others.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil, for our torches are extinguished.
9 But the wise answered and said, No, because there will not be enough for us and for you. You better go to the sellers and buy for yourselves.
pass it on?
The foolish virgins want oil from the wise virgins. But being filled with God’s spirit is not ’transferable’ and this is also evident in this history. The wise virgins tell the others to go and buy oil themselves. This could lead to the misunderstanding that spirit is ‘for sale’, but in Scripture buying is not always the same as paying for something. It can also stand for acquiring or obtaining something.
Isaiah 55
1 O all you who thirst, come to the waters, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat, yes, come, buy without money, without price, wine and milk.
The foolish virgins are not ready and were not alert. They did not really live by the word of God and therefore they did not endure to the end.
10 But when they went out to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready entered with him into the wedding, and the door was shut.
the coming aeon
The wedding is a picture of the revelation of the Kingdom in the aeon to come, the thousand years in which Satan is bound (Rev.20:2). Then the new covenant will be concluded with Israel and that is a marriage covenant between God and Israel. The nations will be present as the wedding guests.
the wedding hall
As we have seen several times before, at the end of this aeon and the dawn of the new aeon, the believers who are on earth will enter the Kingdom. Here represented by the wedding hall. The unbelievers will be taken away and will be outside the wedding hall.
See also the parable of the Royal Wedding, where the wedding hall becomes full, but anyone who is there unjustly, is thrown out (Matt.22:10-13).
11 But afterward the rest of the virgins also came and said, “Lord, lord, open to us.”
12 But he answered and said, Amen! I say to you, I don’t know you.
13 Watch therefore, for you know not the day nor the hour.
Those who do not endure to the end will not enter the Kingdom. They have not lived in fellowship with the Lord, and that is why He says, “I do not know you.” This parable is intended to call believers at that time to be vigilant and to endure this period, because the Lord will come. We just don’t know exactly when.