not a stone was seen

The ecclesia, the body of Christ, is the temple of the living God (2 Cor.6:16). It is God who builds this temple, who perfects the parts of this temple and brings them together. As the members of the body are one, so the temple is one. God sees us in Christ, perfect. We find this depicted in the temple of Israel.

1 Kings 6
18 And the cedar of the house within was carved with buds and open flowers; it was all cedar, not a stone was seen.

God is not building a temple made with hands at this time (compare 2 Cor.5:1; Heb.9:11), but a spiritual dwelling place (Eph.2:22). Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of this building (Eph.2:20), that is the most important Stone. Peter therefore calls Him the living Stone and those who belong to His building living stones (1 Peter 2:4-5).

The stones in the temple are a representation of the believers and were not seen. They were covered by cedar wood, a good quality wood that grows in a high place (on the mountains of Lebanon): a representation of power, strength and glory. Then the entire temple, including the cedar wood and stones, was overlaid with gold:

22 So he overlaid the whole house with gold, until the whole house was finished.

put on Christ
Bricks speak of the works of man, of sin and slavery (Gen.11:3; Ex.1:14). There was nothing left to see of the stones in the temple. Everything was overlaid with gold. Gold is a representation of incorruption, it does not rust or decay. The same with us, we are clothed with Christ (Gal.3:27) and are perfect in Him! (Col.2:10).

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