It sometimes surprises me that in the secular world we hear truths that people would not expect there. Like in pop music. I could name many examples of that. Sometimes it is very obvious, such as with lyrics by U2: 40 (after Psalm 40), Wake up dead man, Until the end of the world, etc. I also like the phrase: Life’s a journey, not a destination (Aerosmith – Amazing).
The Miracle by Queen is a song that mentions God as Creator and expresses the desire for peace. That Freddie Mercury, the singer of Queen, knew more than the average churchgoer is also evident from a phrase from the song Innuendo. There he sings:
While we live according to race, color or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the aeons, and on and on…
Freddie Mercury is talking about aeons here, in Dutch: aeonen (English: eons/aeons). An aeon is an era and is the correct translation of the Greek aion. This is a concept that is often literally hopelessly translated in our translations. Because people usually translate it as eternity and that is something completely different from an era.
The translators have thus turned an aeonic judgment (Heb. 6:2) into an endless judgment and therefore rightly hopeless. An aeonian punishment (Matt.25:46) becomes an endless punishment and therefore also without hope. Freddie Mercury apparently knew what aeons are, because he sings: through the aeons, and on and on…
consummation of the aeons
The difference between believers and unbelievers is that the first group participates in aeonian life (Luke 18:30; Rom.2:7; 1 Tim.1:16): the life of the aeons to come. The second group does not. But that doesn’t mean their final destination is one without hope. This world age of the evil aeon (Gal.1:4; 2 Cor.4:4) in which we now live will be concluded (Matt.13:40,49; Matt.24:3) and finally all the aeons will be completed (Heb.9:26).
death annihilated
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil.2:10-11). Death will be destroyed as the last enemy and all will live in incorruption (1 Cor.15:22,26; 2 Tim.1:10)!
Isn’t it remarkable that Freddie Mercury, precisely in the context in which he mentions the aeons, also speaks about: our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion..