Christ and the ecclesia (>church) are called a mystery or secret in Scripture (Eph.5:32). Paul says in this passage in Ephesus that Christ and the ecclesia are already hidden in the history of Adam and Eve. Paul reveals a secret, which, with the knowledge he makes known, can be found throughout Scripture. It is hidden in apparently cryptic statements, histories, rituals, etc. For example in Joshua 2 where Joshua sends out two spies ahead of Israel to explore the land.
Joshua 2
1 Joshua the son of Nun secretly sent out two spies from Shittim…
These two spies are a picture of the ecclesia, which is taken from both Jew and Gentile (Eph.2:14-15). They are the first to enter the promised land, even before Israel became part of the promises and entered the land.
They were spies and on a secret mission and were therefore hidden in a high place, on Rahab’s roof (Josh.2:6). A beautiful type of the ecclesia, who are called firstfruits (Rom.8:23; 2 Thess.2:13 NKJV) and share in the promises earlier than Israel. The ecclesia, the body of Christ, is a mystery (Eph.5:32). Our life is hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:2) in a high place, heaven.
But Joshua also once belonged to a group of spies. In Numbers 13 we read how 38 years earlier, twelve spies were sent out. Ten of them did not believe that God would give them the land. Two of them did: Joshua and Caleb. Joshua is Hebrew and is exactly the same name as the Greek Jesus. Caleb means dog. Dogs in Scripture are a representation of Gentiles, the nations (Matt.15:26). The two spies in Numbers 13 are also a wonderful type of the ecclesia of Jew and Gentile, or: of Head and body. Or put another way: of Christ and the nations (Col.1:27).
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