Matthew 24:33-36 This generation will not pass away until all these things happen

Of the nations, Israel is the first nation that will be subordinate to the Messiah. Through Israel the Son will establish His Kingdom over the whole earth and over all peoples (Dan.2:44; 7:27). The budding of the fig tree is a picture of the restoration of Israel. Those who see this happening can know that summer is near, the time when the Kingdom will be established worldwide.

33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the door.
34 Amen! I say to you that this generation will not pass away until all these things come to pass.

this generation
What the Lord says here about this generation is often misunderstood. We have already seen that in the budding of the fig tree one sees the establishment of the current Jewish state. But that takes this text out of context, for we have also seen that this passage speaks of the rebirth of Israel in the future, after the great tribulation.

Some say the Lord was mistaken. For He speaks to His disciples, saying that this generation, shall not pass away, until all these things be accomplished. They should have experienced it then.

But this generation is ambiguous and should be understood as such. At the time that the Lord spoke these words to His disciples, Israel’s unbelief was not yet final, and even after His death and resurrection, the gospel of the Kingdom was proclaimed to Israel. If the people of Israel would reflect and repent, God would send Christ back to them from heaven to restore all that the prophets had spoken (Acts 3:19-21). He would then establish His Kingdom.

And that is also reflected in the Greek grammar of the original text. To be in verse 34 would pass by and would be done in a subjunctive mood and that form expresses an action that the speaker considers possible.

The authority contained in these words makes the idea that the Lord was mistaken absurd. No, the Lord knew exactly what He was talking about and it is so precisely recorded that the good listener and the one who investigates will understand (Prov.25:2)

35 Heaven and earth will pass away; but my words are absolutely not lost.

At the time of speaking, it was still possible that Israel would convert and the disciples would experience it in their generation. We now know that this did not happen and that the words apply to the generation that will experience Israel’s restoration in the future. Within one generation the Kingdom will be established and the eon to come will begin.