
Prayer is often seen as reciting a prayer, as is done, for example, by praying a form prayer before eating. But the Bible understands prayer as not just speaking to God, but has a much broader meaning. We might call… Lees verder

all saved, or not?

1 Corinthians 15 is the chapter that talks about resurrection and vivification. It tells that death is abolished (:26), swallowed up in victory (:54) and that therefore, because there will be no more death, vivification will be the ultimate part… Lees verder


In an earlier blog I pointed out that the word translated forgiveness in our Bible translations actually means deliverance. In both verses that I quoted from Paul’s letters, another word appears. It is the Greek apolutrosis, which is translated as… Lees verder

two gospels?

Paul explicitly calls himself an apostle of the Gentiles (=nations) a number of times. When it really comes down to it, Paul appeals to Caesar as a Roman, and therefore as a Gentile (Acts 25:11). This is in contrast to… Lees verder