Time and again I am amazed that intelligent people, who can read very well, suddenly can no longer read when they open a Bible. In fact, they suddenly read the opposite of what is written.
They read in 1 Timothy 4:10:
For for this we toil and are reproached, that we have set our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, except unbelievers.
While it says:
(…) that we have placed our hope in the living God, who is the savior of all men, especially of believers.
in particular
In this text from 1 Timothy 4, many read the “special of” as if it were a limitation on the “of all men”. In Dutch it is already clear that “especially” does not exclude anyone, but rather is inclusive. The Statenvertaling has most of in this verse and the NKJV translation translates in particular.
It becomes even clearer when we look at the other Scriptures where the Greek word malista is used in the original text. This is the word translated in 1 Tim.4:10 as especially of. The word appears 12 times in the New Testament. Below are a number of examples and the translation for the Greek malista in italics:
Acts 25
26 Therefore I brought him before you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, that by the inquiry I had made I might have something to write.
Galatians 6
10 Therefore, whenever we have opportunity, we work good for all, but especially for those of the family of the faith.
Philippians 4
22 You greet all the saints, especially those of Caesar’s house.
1 Timothy 5
17 The elders who guide well are worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in word and teaching.
2 Timothy 4
13 The cover that I left at Troas, with Carpus, bring it with you, coming, and the scrolls, especially the parchments.
Titus 1
10 For many are rebellious, vain talkers, and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision.
2 Peter 2
9 The Lord has watched the godly to deliver them from trial, but keeps the unrighteous to be chastised in the day of judgment,
10 but especially those who go after the flesh (…)
no limitation
There is no doubt that in all these texts the Greek malista is not a limitation on the foregoing. It emphasizes the special position of part of the entire group. This does not detract from the position assigned to the entire group. On the contrary, it underlines it!
a special position
Those who already believe that God is their Savior have a special position, they are already saved! But that does not contradict the fact that God is the Savior of all people and will ultimately save all.
There is much to be said about the special status of those who already believe. After all, that is what Paul’s letters are largely about. It is not just that they have been saved before, but it is much more. The believers of the ecclesia, the body of Christ, share in all the promises made to Christ (Eph.3:6). They will, together with Christ, bring all creation under one Head and subdue all things under His feet (Eph.1:10,22). Placed together with Christ over the universe. They have received the highest place and calling!
learn these things!
The good news that Paul records in the first letter to his friend Timothy is that God is the Savior of all people, excluding none, and that would be said and told. But the special position of believers would also be taught. That is why Paul also says in the next verse of 1 Timothy 4:
11 Command and teach these things!