In the Bible we find many parables and some are very well known, such as the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15). This parable is probably so well known because the story lends itself easily as an evangelistic message: someone who was lost returns to the Father. We can then give the story a practical application and there are more parables that can be used for this.
less known
With other parables it is more difficult to give them such an application and that is probably the reason why they are less well known. For example, the parable of the unjust steward, which we find a chapter later (Luke 16).
There are also parables that are so short that we may read over them and not even realize that it is a parable. For example, when the Lord says: “and learn this parable from the fig tree” (Matt. 24:32).
whether or not a parable
Some parables are generally acknowledged to be parables, such as the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). However, when the Lord tells this story, it is an answer to a lawyer’s question (Luke 10:29) and it is not stated that it is a parable. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16), on the other hand, is usually said not to be a parable. One of the arguments that is put forward for this is that it is not stated that it is a parable, but that is not necessary.
For after the second parable that we find in the gospels, it is said:
Matthew 13
34 All these things Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables, and without a parable he did not speak to them.
only in parables
At a certain point Jesus spoke to the multitudes only in parables. Why this was so, we will see. Of course, this also means that from then on it is no longer necessary to mention it every time. From the moment the Lord says this, we would assume that all His words that He spoke to the multitudes are parables. When He does not do this and makes an exception, that would be mentioned.
The Greek word that is translated as parable is parabole (G3850) and we recognize our word parable in that. It occurs 50 times in the New Testament. It is made up of the word parts: beside + throwing, and it speaks of something that is placed next to something, a comparison story.
In this series I want to discuss the parables. Of course, as far as it is given to me to know their meaning. And I will not discuss them continuously, but in between other topics. A project that is ‘under construction’