God has subordinated creation to vanity and corruption (Rom.8:20-21). It does not say: creation from Adam onwards. And neither: from a supposed fall of Satan. No, God designed creation this way and this world is transient by design.
Genesis 1
2 And the earth is without form and void, and darkness is over the face of the deep. And the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters.
furnished and organized
This is already evident in Genesis 1. God created this creation desolate and empty and at the beginning there was only darkness and the depths of water (Gen. 1:2). In this formless beginning, God began to bring order by making light, thus separating light and darkness (Gen. 1:3-4). He also made an expanse, called this expanse heaven, and thereby separated the waters, so that the waters no longer formed a continuous mass, but air arose. God also separated the waters and the land by causing the waters to flow together in one place, so that dry land became visible (Gen.1:9).
Adam and Eve
Christianity generally teaches that Adam and Eve were placed in a perfect world. But on a close reading of Genesis, we see many indications that this was not the case. God subjected creation to corruption from its origin, and Adam and Eve were placed in a world that was subject to vanity.
Genesis 1:28 says that Adam and Eve were to subdue the earth. The word here is used in other places for subduing enemies (2 Sam.8:11; 1 Chron.22:18), subduing slaves (Neh.5:5; Jer.34:11), to subdue the promised land (Num.32:22,29), etc.
The language in Gen.1:28 points to a battle. Work must be done to keep the court under control. Just as we know this with a garden. If you don’t do anything about it, over time it will become unrecognizable and overgrown.
operate and monitor
A little later in Genesis it says that God placed man in the Garden of Eden to serve and guard it (2:15). The word translated here as serving speaks elsewhere of serving in slavery (Ex. 1:13) and earlier in Genesis about tilling the ground. Later it is said of Cain that he was a farmer, literally: servant of the soil ((Gen.4:2).
At the end of Genesis 3, Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden after their sin. Cherubim are placed in the garden to guard the tree of life (3:24), the same word as in Gen.2:15.
the snake
If the world in which Adam and Eve was perfect, how could the serpent be there (Gen. 3:1)? In a perfect world there is no place for a snake that turns out to be a deceiver and incites man to sin: disobedience to God.
dying dying
God tells Adam that if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would die (2:17). If Adam had not known what dying was, this would be an empty warning and an empty prohibition. Then Adam could not have imagined the consequences of violating the commandment. Adam must have known what death is and what dying is. It is most likely that he knew this from the plant and animal world.
taken from the dust
Adam was made of the dust of the earth and would return to it (3:19). Adam was made from a raw material that came from a creation that was subject to vanity and corruption.
This world is temporary and was designed that way by God. God did not place Adam and Eve in a world that was perfect until they sinned. And things did not go wrong before then due to a fall from Satan. He is an adversary from (the) beginning (John 8:44). God created the adversary (Gen.3:1) and evil (Isa.45:7) as part of His plan. God is the Creator of everything, He has a purpose and purpose for everything (Isa.45:5-7). He works everything according to the counsel of His will (Eph.1:11).
Proverbs 16
4 YAHWEH hath made all things for their own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil.